Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Parallel lines move too fast

i am catching myself accidentally holding my breath for long periods of time for no reason.
Turtles all the way down
whether this is figurative or literal is left as an exercise for the reader.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

For once a Destroyer quote here would be totally appropriate

well, i didn't get an autographed set list to top k's, but the show was amazing... a veritable wall of literary and pop culture references and static and guitars and who said dan bejar doesn't do banter?
Do you guys ever eat dinner? Dinner is bullshit
later: an almost too-nice couple buying a homeless man dinner and a "corona to go" (!) from pancho v's. which somehow really seemed like it wasn't in any way out of guilt or for self-satisfaction or even pity but more like they were buying a friend dinner because they liked that friend so much... doing something like this may have just surpassed "write something a thousand people will read or use" on my list of goals in life.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sometimes our bodies will get tired

i should get up at 4:30am central every day

Monday, May 12, 2008

stuck outside of san antonio with the memphis blues again

Healing glow or glowering heal?
now that i live alone, staying in a hotel is an awful lot like being at home.