Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'm down here by the bay with my arm around the moon

Hayesville, NC (October 2009)

Posted via email from Kyle's posterous

Tourist in this town

Cabrillo National Monument, October 2009

Posted via email from Kyle's posterous

Populated with knives

Balboa park desert garden (26 September 2009)

Posted via email from Kyle's posterous

Ageless beauty

The fog was thick enough to look like tiny snowflakes, only visible in passing cars’ headlights, that seemed to melt just before contact. And we sat on a step in front of St. Kev’s, trying for two hours to determine the correct justification for continuing to live. I remembered sitting on the hill behind Fitten, talking to her next to me but always looking forward, not really being able to see anything. I suggested that the intricate beauty of life is reason enough, the mind-blowing ecstasy we should feel constantly as a result of the very reality of our existence.

But you and I know I don’t believe that. (7 June 2007)


Posted via web from Kyle's posterous

I like birds

Posted via email from Kyle's posterous

I haven't had one yet, how can I have Balti-more

Listening to: Bill Callahan - All Throughts are Prey to Some Beast

Posted via email from Kyle's posterous

Rio rio-visited

Rio de Janeiro (June 2009)

Posted via email from Kyle's posterous

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A willing subject

Faire sauter les oignons
Onion quiche with homemade crust, both from How to Cook Everything Vegetarian.

Not quite sure what I want to do here, but I think if I am going to try writing about cooking/photography and not mid-twenties angst, I might need a new title.

Monday, January 19, 2009

just give us the bike

Originally uploaded by kylemahan
i teared up a little bit listening to this american life, some environmentalists talking about a video taped message from barack obama getting a bizarre standing ovation. some veterans affairs employees talking about an administration that actually seems like it will listen to them. let me be the 9 billionth person to say, 12 more hours!