Wednesday, September 12, 2007

asleep at the gate

little beach
shouldn't any person worthy of going to heaven feel guilty about being there?


Kris said...

serious? little beach was PURE. how can anyone love God if they don't love themselves or others?

Matt Malone said...

Why does God require conditional love if we require unconditional love of Him?

Kyle said...

ok fine, i'll bite... matt what are you talking about?

Matt Malone said...

God is supposed to love "all of his children" right? God loves Man. Well I have a hard time understanding why he needs to test our love for him in return. Does he need love? Why do we need to earn our way into heaven by loving him if he in fact already has that unconditional love for us? Or does he not love us unconditionally? Just something I can't get my mind around.