i accidentally conducted a psychological experiment on the plane from phoenix to san francisco last night.
starting at my pop physics book about string theory, to sudoku, to travel magazine articles,
to successively easier word puzzles,
my ability to process information and recognize patterns was, i would guess, 12% normal
i'm kind of fascinated that i could be that stressed/exhausted and yet unable to sleep.
can i just say, i'm happy to be home, and the best part is coming an hour and a half from now!
i guess i should join the driving while photographer club. nothing interesting on my streets though.
perhaps this blog is your comic and I am just slow to get that.
don't you mean toss your "pocupine"?
actually it used to say that! (see the URL)... tracy pointed it out to me. apparently my fingers and eyes both have a block on that r
a baby with hiccups
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